
“One of the most powerful signs of the in-breaking of the Kingdom of God in our time is Journey Canada. I have met and walked with so many men and women who have found hope and healing through this wonderful ministry. Journey does what most local churches are often simply not set up to do: make space and time for those who need space and time to experience the deep grace of Jesus for our brokenness. The leaders of Journey understand what it means to be human and how we are, slowly, but surely, transformed into the wholeness of Jesus.”

— Darrell JohnsonSenior Pastor, First Baptist Church | Vancouver, BC

“The profound relational and sexual bewilderment of our times, and of a church seduced by our times, has found an unusually vigorous answer in the Journey Canada programs.”

— Will Johnston | (M.D.) President of Canadian Physicians for Life | Vancouver, BC

“Journey Canada offers a remarkable way for believers to more fully know themselves as accepted and loved by the God who created us, while at the same time deepening awareness that God is big enough to handle all the details of our struggles. Journey has provided many with a new freedom and fullness in their relationship with the Lord.”

— Susan Hobkirk (R.S.W.) | Marriage and Family Therapist, Burnaby Counselling Group | Burnaby, BC

“The programs of Journey have become the doorway to healing and redemption for scores of people. As people participate in them year by year, I hear reports of how self-understanding has grown and strength to leave unwanted practices emerged, and how freedom, self-esteem and genuine inner peace have been gained.”

— Harold Jantz | Founding Editor, ChristianWeek | Winnipeg, MB